Harness the power of your insurance data

Gain unrestricted access to your data via AWS Athena's SQL interface. Integrated with Business Intelligence tools of your choice, this setup enables you to easily leverage data insights to understand your business and stay competitive.


Maximise business intelligence

Leverage familiar analytics and data processing tools to automate regulatory, sales, and financial reporting, create customised performance dashboards, and uncover valuable insights for informed business decisions.

Switching to Root’s Data Adapter means:

  • Easy generation and automation of bordereau and regulatory reports
  • Monitoring sales statistics and agent performance
  • Reviewing collection rates and customer retention
  • Actively determining insurance book quality
  • Keeping an eye on claims process bottlenecks
  • Enhancing operational and monitoring activities via triggers and alerts


Streamline data queries

Root’s Data Adapter provides comprehensive, SQL-like access to all of your data on Root through an interface powered by AWS Athena. This allows you to write complex SQL queries to fetch and combine the data needed to run an effective insurance operation.

Once set up, you can easily

  • Write your own SQL queries
  • Use your favourite BI tool
  • Plug Root directly into your data cloud

BI tools, like PowerBI, Tableau, Qlik and Google Data Studio, are compatible with the Data Adapter out of the box.


Secure and efficient data processing

We care deeply about the security of your data while understanding that your teams require ease of access.

We ensure that all of your data is:

  • Encrypted at rest
  • Encrypted in transit, and
  • Processed in the same region as the source database.

For ease of access, one set of access credentials will be issued which may be regenerated at regular intervals if required.

Read the docs
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